Florida homeowners have been left scrambling to understand insurance coverage for several months. Many have received a notice canceling their policy or demanding they get a new roof installed to continue coverage. This is mostly because of hurricanes, but unethical roofer practices have contributed to these changes.
In July 2022, new laws came into effect that provide some help to homeowners needing a roof replacement. To summarize:
An insurer may not refuse to issue or refuse to renew a homeowner’s policy for a roof that is less than 15 years old solely because of the age of the roof.
For a roof that is at least 15 years old, an insurer must allow a homeowner to have a roof inspection performed by an authorized inspector at the homeowner’s expense before requiring the replacement of the roof. This includes shingle roofing.
The insurer may not refuse to issue or refuse to renew a homeowner’s insurance policy solely because of roof age if an inspection of the roof of the residential structure performed by an authorized inspector indicates that the roof has 5 years or more of useful life remaining.
The roof’s age is calculated using the last date on which 100 percent of the roof’s surface area was built or replaced in accordance with the building code in effect at that time.
To further confuse the issue for homeowners, insurance companies added other requirements for older homes and older roofs in Florida. Some companies ask for your older roof to have a secondary water resistance layer as part of the wind mitigation in order to obtain coverage.
There appears to be a general trend towards not providing insurance coverage for homes over 15 years old. However, even if you obtain coverage, you have to face the fact that all costs are going up. Roofing materials and labor are affected. So, what are the options for homeowners?
If your roof is 15 years old, obtain a roof inspection from a licensed, qualified roofing contractor for the remaining lifespan of your roof.
If necessary, obtain a wind mitigation inspection and make necessary improvements for safety and possible insurance credits.
Even if your roof is newer, have it inspected yearly to make repairs and for insurance purposes. Roof maintenance is very important and proves you are following the manufacturer's instructions. Your insurance company may also have a list of recommendations for a roof maintenance schedule.
Stay away from any roofers who solicit you in an illegal manner (door knockers). This has been happening in Port Orange, DeLand, and Daytona Beach.
Triangle Roofing can assist you with a new roof, roof repair, and annual inspections in Volusia County, Flagler County, and St. Johns County. Florida roofing laws continue to evolve. We stay on top of the laws, and local building codes. Triangle Roofing will assess your roof's condition in an ethical manner using industry best practices. Don't wait for a storm to hit to contact us. Call Joe at 386-673-6600 today.