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  • Writer's pictureJoeTriangleRoofing

7 Reasons To Avoid Shingles on Low Slope Roofs

Choosing the best roofing material for a flat roof, also known as a low-slope roof, is crucial for long-term performance and durability. While shingles are popular for steep-slope roofs, they may not be the best option for low-slope roofing applications. Here's why:

Increased Risk of Water Infiltration:

Shingles are designed for steep roofs with adequate drainage so that water can run right off. On low-slope roofs, where water can pool, shingles are more prone to water leakage, leading to costly repairs and potential damage to the underlying wood structure.

Reduced Lifespan:

Flat roofs experience greater exposure to the elements, including UV radiation and moisture. Shingles may deteriorate more quickly on low-slope roofs due to these factors, resulting in a shortened lifespan compared to other roofing materials. Use a material designed for flat roofing.

Poor Aesthetic Appeal:

Shingles may not lay flat and uniform on low-slope roofs, leading to an unsightly appearance with uneven lines and gaps. This detracts from the curb appeal of the property and may affect its resale value. And guess what? Water can get in.

Limited Warranty Coverage:

Many shingle manufacturers offer warranties that may be voided or limited when asphalt shingles are installed on low-slope roofs. This leaves homeowners with little recourse in the event of premature failure or damage. Don't let this happen by allowing an unqualified roofer install your new roof!

Increased Maintenance Requirements:

Maintaining shingles on a low-slope roof can be challenging and time-consuming. Regular inspections are necessary to address issues such as curling, lifting, and water damage, adding to the overall cost of ownership.

Higher Risk of Wind Uplift:

Shingles installed on low-slope roofs can lift during storms and high winds. The lack of proper adhesion and sealing on the flat roof surface increases the likelihood of shingle loss or damage, requiring frequent repairs and replacements.

Potential Building Code Compliance Issues:

Some building codes and regulations may restrict the use of shingles on flat roofs or impose additional requirements for their installation. Failure to comply with these regulations could result in fines, delays, or the need for replacement.

When it comes to low-slope or flat roofing, shingles may present challenges that outweigh their benefits. And adding layers over shingles will not solve the problem! The flat roof in the photo above had 3 layers of shingles we had to remove! Homeowners considering shingles for a low-slope roof should contact an expert roofing company for a professional opinion. Contact Triangle Roofing, Inc. to ensure a durable, long-lasting roof that provides reliable protection for your property.

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